Honoring: ETC Norman Boltz, USN, Ret.

Honored by Louis P. Kleis

ETC Boltz was my first Chief on board USS CADMUS AR-14 out of Norfolk VA in 1947. I checked in as a ATSN. One thing I noticed about Chief Boltz, he treated everyone fair but at the same time he was firm. He wanted all of the Sailors under his leadership to advance and to do better. If he saw that we had down time, Chief would always tell us to study, to get qualified. He was constantly making us look at the future and how we can do better by advancing.

Chief would work with us on all equipment using that time to see our knowledge and also to train us. He always acknowledge us in public of the good job we were doing. He made sure we received recognition in public for our good work. He was always aware of what we were all doing at all times and what needed work in the division to make sure the ship was getting the support it needed from my division. Chief Boltz was onboard for a year, after that year he was selected for CWO1 and later he b596ecame an Limited Duty Officer, retiring as a Commander. Although onboard for a year with Chief Boltz, his leadership style had an impact on me that I wanted to emulate him as I grew in rank following in his footsteps for me to become a Warrant Officer.

Emily Oh